How Does Human Hair Grow? | Hair Grow - JINRI



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Human Hair Growth

Human hair might appear to be pretty simple but their formation and their growth are a pretty complex process. Human hairs mainly consist of the protein known as keratin, which also stimulates the growth of the hair. The formation of hair is done in a bag-like structure that is known as the hair follicle. Naturally, humans are born with more than 100,000 follicles on their head.  

The growth of the hair undergoes three different phases for their proper growth. Each growth phase of hair strands has its characteristic properties that would determine the hair length. Once a single cycle of hair growth is complete, another cycle would start again to form a new strand of hair. The growth rate of hair in most of the cases is about 1.25 cm each month or six inches every year.


Anagen Phase

Anagen Phase is also known as the growing phase of the hair. This phase would begin in the follicle where roots would begin the formation of new hair. The new hair would push out the old hair that has completed its growth phase. The time duration of this growth phase might depend on the genetics of the person.

Catagen phase

The transitional growth period of the hair is known as the Catagen phase. This phase would generally last for at least two weeks. In this phase, hair follicle would shrink and the papilla would get detach forum the hair strand.

Telogen phase

The last phase of the hair is known as Telogen phase. During this phase, your hairs would completely stop growing while the hair follicle would start the growth formation of new hair. Any hair strand in the last phase would remain for at least for hindered before shedding.  

Thus, we can say that hair growth is a continuous process. It would grow and fall following the natural cycles. Thus, if you are noticing slight hair fall then don’t as it might be the natural process of hair growth.

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